Saturday, February 26, 2011

Avery's 1 year old

Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words, here's how the lad devoured his birthday cake.

I SUPPOSE he got some cake in his mouth, but he frosting-ed himself in the process. He looks quite pleased with the cake, or himself.

Happy birthday, little guy!!! Time to get out the HOSE.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bieber Fever? Never Say Never.

Thousands of Justin Bieber fans stand tall and proud, proclaiming and screaming and even squealing their adoration of him. (OK, some would say millions of fans, but I’m not ready to make that leap of faith for a 16-year-old heartthrob [probably because I’m just a tad jealous of the fact that he was a YouTuber one day and a superstar almost the next].)Other Beliebers, however, remain in the catacombs, partly because of peer pressure and partly because of sibling rivalry, I’ve come to discover.

Take 9-year-old Vincent, for instance. When 7-year-old bro Jack scored a fantastic get of riding a friend’s coattails to a premier showing of “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never,” Vincent, who’s never been one to say never, announced that he’d never want to go to the flick. He doesn’t like Bieber, he proclaimed, and neither did his special “friend” at school, nor did the twin boys he counts among his best pals.

Never. Ever. Bieber. Fever.

Even when Jack came home from the premier sporting the special backstage pass on a lanyard and the purple (because Justin’s fave color is purple, which means the women of all ages who find the boy fetching don’t adhere to the saying, “When I’m old, I’ll wear purple”) 3-D glasses that were part of the package, Vincent still said never.

Until he had a confessional moment with Mom, and confided in Melissa that, actually, he likes the Biebs, and he wanted to see the movie. But all of his friends, including that special one, were saying they didn’t like the musical phenom.

Melissa soothed his fears, though, with the maternal advice that it’s OK to like someone or something, even when your friends don’t. And she would be happy to take him to the movie. (No doubt, because she, too, might harbor a soft spot for the young Canadian.)

The next day, Vincent came home triumphantly proclaiming that he had admitted to his special friend that he likes Bieber and, to his surprise, she said SHE did, too. (Never say never.) So Melissa and special friend’s mom decided they’d take the two out-of-the-closet Bieber fans to the movie.

A day or so later, Melissa received a note on a letter piece of paper with a message something like this scrawled in a third-grader’s hand: “Dear Mrs. C: I like Justin Bieber, too, and could you call my mom to see if she would take me to the movie, too.” The lad is none other than one of Vincent’s twin friends who had said they’d never say yes to Bieber.

And now, as I write, three moms and four children are seeing a movie they never thought they’d agree to attend, just a few days ago. Their lesson, I suppose, is to never say never. Isn’t that just ludicrous?

Secondary lesson: True Beliebers don’t let sibling rivalry or peer pressure prevent them from ushering in their love at least one time.

As to my own opinion about the movie’s title song? I’ll never say. Ever.