Sunday, January 18, 2009

We Now Have a Black Irish President

Soooooooooo, the other day, I took Vincent, Jack and Luke to a movie. One of the previews was for a movie with The Rock in it.

Jack, who's 5, looked at him and said, "HEY! I know who he is!!!"
"Who?" I said, sure he was going to guess correctly, as I was certain he must have seen The Rock in one form or another. After ALL, who hasn’t seen any of the Scorpion King movies, because they play so often on TV?

Well, Jack didn’t answer immediately, and I could tell from his stammering that he was stalling for time. I could almost hear the gears in his brain whirring in the darkened theater faster than I could say, “Eat your OWN popcorn!”
Finally, he blurted out: "BARACK OBAMA!"
I almost laughed right out loud, because I thought he was saying “Rock,” until he added Obama, and I realized I had missed the beginning. (Or, perhaps, he actually said, "Rock Obama."
I mention that incident now, as I post this column on the historic inauguration day of America’s first black president.
PLUS, I’ve got to give the lad credit for his knowledge of current events. After all, when I was 5, I’m positive I didn’t know that Nixon was president.
But NOW, I discover I could be related to the new president. After all, he’s black, and I’m Irish, so maybe we have a Black Irish connection:

Soooooo, top ’O the morning’ to ya, GFC readers.
And, to Cousin O’Bama: May the road rise to meet you, the wind be ever at your back, and may the good Lord hold you in the palm of his hand (to help you get the upper hand on this flagging economy and all the other problems you're deigned to solve!).

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