Sunday, May 30, 2010

Generation Gap Is a Slickery Slope With Brylcreem

I ran across an interesting generation test t’other day at work.

Somebody, for some reason, mentioned Brylcreem. One of the young turks in the office said, “What’s Brylcreem?”
“What’s BRYLCREEM?” I said, astounded. “SURELY, you must be kidding!!!”
The lad, who I spose is in his mid-30s, assured me that he wasn’t kidding. Two others in the immediate vicinity stared at me with similarly blank eyes.
So I expanded the survey, going out into the area of our offices called the fishbowl and asked three thirtysomething fellas what Brylcreem is.
When they didn’t know, I went to an area where there are some fortysomethings and fiftysomethings and asked for a show of hands. Three of the five department raised their hands that they know what it is, while the two younger ones looked like I’d asked them to do quantum physics.
One guy even knew that Vitalis’ commercial intoning “no more greasy kids stuff” was to counteract Brylcreem, of which a little dab would do ya.
OK, any wiseacre thirtysomethings reading this: That’s VITALIS, not VIAGRA!!!
In absolute disgust, I went back to the fishbowl young turks and announced: “Well, you smart asses, some day, you’re gonna be about 60 and you’ll ask a bunch of 30-year-olds what tweeting used to be, and they’ll look at you like you’re daft.”
One had the GALL to say: “Well, I’d venture to say that tweeting is going to be around for a lonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg time, obviously lots longer than Brylcreem, whatever that is.”
My daughter Allison thought pagers would be around forever, too, back when she had one as an appendage. When’s the last time you heard a tweet out of that technology. And when granddad was a lad, the only time you heard tweet was about Tweety Bird or, perhaps, if you went trick or treaking with Elmer Fudd.
Little did Mr. Smartypants know at the time (nor did I actually) that Brylcreem not only is around, but it’s expanded. You can get not only the original formula but also even gel.

For the record, and nostalgia, check out these old Brylcreem commercials:

Brylcreem was so confident, it promised romance right outta the tube. And you all know what they say: You can’t put the romance back into the tube after you’ve let the Brylcreem out. (Actually, they don’t say that. I made it up, but the implication is there, no?)

If you’re wondering whether I wore Brylcreem, the answer is YES! Why? Because, I was a sucker for commercials. That splains why I'm still an inveterate coupon clipper, I spose.

What the hell am I yammerin’ about this for, in a grandfather column, you ask? Well, it’s an old granddad reflecting on LIFE.

Now, I'll go rustle 'em up and tell 'em 'bout the good old days, of Bryclreem and party-line phones, waaaaaaaaaaaay before tweet.

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