Saturday, July 4, 2009

There's A New Princess in Town

Today’s entry takes an estrogneous tack instead of the usual testosterone-laden missives because a new queen has danced onto the scene.
Blame Amelia’s arrival Thursday for the hormone rebalancing. Here are the answers to the typical wimmin questions: She peeked out of the C-section window at 8:31 a.m. Pacific time, weighing in at 6 pounds and 13 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches.
(In SHORT, if she were a bass, I’d have her stuffed and on my wall. (Dang fisherman’s testosterone level just WON’t stay down.)
Anyhooooooooo, full name is Amelia Tighe Kansy and parents Annie and Kevin are doing fine, after they got some well-deserved naptime. (Probably the last they’ll get in awhile.)
Seems like only yesterday that Annie was standing on my feet as we danced around the room to Abba’s “Dancing Queen.”

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